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SortingHat data structure

SortingHat uses a database to store data about identities. We will add some more repositories to the index we had produced with GrimoireELK, and then experiment with the data structures that SortingHat manages.

Adding more data to the index

We already built an index with SortingHat support, and produced a dashboard showing it. But there is still a lot of SortingHat to learn, if we want to use all of its capacities. In this chapter we will learn how to use SortingHat in combination to other GrimoireLab tools (mainly Perceval and For a more complete guide to SortingHat, read the SortingHat README.

We will start by adding some more repositories to the index, to have some more complete data. Then we will use it to explore the capabilities of SortingHat for merging identities, for adding affiliations and for adapting profiles.

(gl) $ --enrich --index git_raw --index-enrich git \
  -e http://localhost:9200 --no_inc --debug \
  --db-host localhost --db-sortinghat shdb --db-user user --db-password XXX \
(gl) $ --enrich --index git_raw --index-enrich git \
  -e http://localhost:9200 --no_inc --debug \
  --db-host localhost --db-sortinghat shdb --db-user user --db-password XXX \
(gl) $ --enrich --index git_raw --index-enrich git \
  -e http://localhost:9200 --no_inc --debug \
  --db-host localhost --db-sortinghat shdb --db-user user --db-password XXX \
(gl) $ --enrich --index git_raw --index-enrich git \
  -e http://localhost:9200 --no_inc --debug \
  --db-host localhost --db-sortinghat shdb --db-user user --db-password XXX \
(gl) $ --enrich --index git_raw --index-enrich git \
  -e http://localhost:9200 --no_inc --debug \
  --db-host localhost --db-sortinghat shdb --db-user user --db-password XXX \

When we run in all these cases, it uses Perceval to retrieve data from the corresponding git repositories, producing a raw index (git_raw). Based on it, later produces the enriched index (git). Here is where SortingHat enters the game. Each new identity that finds while enriching the raw index (in the case of git repositories, usually email addresses and names) is added to SortingHat. When looking in the SortingHat database we will see all these identities. Additionally, with the information stored in SortingHat, produces some fields in the enriched index, such as the organziation or the name to show in the dashboard for each developer.

Therefore, SortingHat controls how identities are matched to people, and people to organizations. It also controls how people are shown in the indexes. Let’s see how.

Data structure

Before entering into how to use SortingHat, let’s visit the data structure of the database it maintains. See A dashboard with SortingHat, and the introduction to this chapter, for details on how the database was produced; user and XXX are the credentials to access the shdb database. For finding out about its tables, just query MySQL.

$ mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'SHOW TABLES;' shdb
| countries             |
| domains_organizations |
| enrollments           |
| identities            |
| matching_blacklist    |
| organizations         |
| profiles              |
| uidentities           |

The aim of each table is as follows:

  • identities: identities found in repositories, and to which unique (merged) identity correspond each of them.
  • uidentities: unique (merged)) identities.
  • profiles: information to show in the dashboard for a unique identity.
  • organizations: organizations to which unique identities may be affiliated.
  • enrollments: relationship between unique identities and organizations.
  • countries: countries which can be used in profiles.
  • domains_organizations: email domains for organizations, used to infer affiliation relationships.
  • matching_blacklist: identities that should not be merged with others

The organizations, enrollments and domain_organziations tables are empty, because for now, no information about organizations, nor relationship between persons and organizations, has been established. They will be filled when we later take care of that. By the way, this is the reason why in the dashboard up to know all persons appear as affiliated to Unknown, which is the label uses for the organziation when no organization is found for a unique identifier.

Now, let’s visit the most important of those, exploring the data we have for them in our database.

The identities and the uidentities tables

Each identity in the identity table is a tuple composed of the following fields:

  • a unique identifier (a hash of the other fields, id)
  • a name (name), an email address (email)
  • a username (username)
  • the source where the identity was found (source, with tags identifying the kind of repository where the identity was found, such as git, bugzilla or github)
  • the merged identity to which it corresponds (uuid)

All fields in the tuple except for uuid a immutable: they never change during the live of a SortingHat database. The uuid is used to merge identities that correspond to the same person: each person should have a single uuid, and that uuid will be in this table for all the identities corresponding to that person. In fact, the uuid is the id of one of those identities. The name, the email address and the username are the data composing the identity.

For example, email addresses usually have name and email (such as “Jesus Gonzalez, while username is NULL. GitHub accounts usually have name and username (such as “Jesus Gonzalez, jgbarah”), with email as NULL. The uuid will change during the life of the database as new identities for the same person are found, or as wrong merged identities are identified (and broken). A large part of the maintenance of a SortingHat database consists of dealing with uuid in the identities table, while merging and unmerging identities.

Let’s see what do we have in our SortingHat database (in the output of mysql below, I have trimmed the hashes for id and uuid to 7 chars):

mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'SELECT * FROM identities;' shdb
| id      | name                           | email                                | username | source | uuid    | 
| 0cac4ef | Quan Zhou                      |                    | NULL     | git    | 0cac4ef |
| 0ef1c4a | Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona     |                    | NULL     | git    | 0ef1c4a |
| 11cc034 | quan                           |                    | NULL     | git    | 11cc034 |
| 35c0421 | Alberto Martín                 |          | NULL     | git    | 35c0421 |
| 37a8187 | Alberto Martín                 | | NULL     | git    | 37a8187 |
| 3ca4e85 | Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar      |                 | NULL     | git    | 3ca4e85 |
| 4fcec5a | dpose                          |              | NULL     | git    | 4fcec5a |
| 5b358fc | dpose                          |                   | NULL     | git    | 5b358fc |
| 692ad15 | Andre Klapper                  |                      | NULL     | git    | 692ad15 |
| 6dcf98c | Daniel Izquierdo               |              | NULL     | git    | 6dcf98c |
| 75fc28e | Santiago Dueñas                |                 | NULL     | git    | 75fc28e |
| 7ad0031 | Alvaro del Castillo            |                     | NULL     | git    | 7ad0031 |
| 8fac15f | alpgarcia                      |                  | NULL     | git    | 8fac15f |
| 9aed245 | Alvaro del Castillo            |                     | NULL     | git    | 9aed245 |

We can observe how all uuids are different, and for each row, equal to ids. This is because we have run no merging operation on SortingHat, and for now each unique identity corresponds to one identity found in repositories (repo identity). We can see how the source for all the identities is git (we only analyzed git repositories). All identities have name and email, but don’t have username (it is NULL), since it is not data found in the email addresses found in git repositories. All of these identities were found either as authors of committers of some commit in the analyzed git repositories.

The uidentities table just lists the valid unique identities (in this case, I’m showing full hashes):

mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'SELECT * FROM uidentities;' shdb
| uuid                                     |
| 0cac4ef12631d5b0ef2fa27ef09729b45d7a68c1 |
| 0ef1c4a95006b07416b0a48ca66587ddfff184e4 |
| 11cc0348b60711cdee515286e394c961388230ab |
| 35c0421704928bcbe3a0d9a4de1d79f9590ccaa9 |
| 37a8187909592a7b78559399105f6b5404af9e4e |
| 3ca4e85833adcf1c6eb7733ba30bf0e9a6956731 |
| 4fcec5a968246d8342e4acfceb9174531c8545c1 |
| 5b358fc11019cf2c03ea4c162009e89715e590dd |
| 692ad158c742a5c8477af1cbd20e37d31cd72aeb |
| 6dcf98c180e858d5643ff48569b152509325b632 |
| 75fc28ef4643de5323e89fb26e4e67c97b24f507 |
| 7ad0031fa2db40a5149f54dfc2ec2a355e9443cd |
| 8fac15fd52da7b984f0b2bbfe1b7ff8f7c93f461 |
| 9aed245d9df109f8d00ca0e656121c3bdde46a2a |

The profiles table

The profiles table includes the profiles for all unique identities: the data that is attached by default for each identity, and which can be used to show information about each person in the dashboard. It includes the following fields:

  • the unique identifier for the profile, uuid
  • the name, name
  • the email address email
  • a boolean labeling the identity as a bot, is_bot
  • a country code, country_code

For example, in our case:

mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'SELECT * FROM profiles;' shdb
| uuid    | name                           | email                                | is_bot | country_code |
| 0cac4ef | Quan Zhou                      |                    |      0 | NULL         |
| 0ef1c4a | Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona     |                    |      0 | NULL         |
| 11cc034 | quan                           |                    |      0 | NULL         |
| 35c0421 | Alberto Martín                 |          |      0 | NULL         |
| 37a8187 | Alberto Martín                 | |      0 | NULL         |
| 3ca4e85 | Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar      |                 |      0 | NULL         |
| 4fcec5a | dpose                          |              |      0 | NULL         |
| 5b358fc | dpose                          |                   |      0 | NULL         |
| 692ad15 | Andre Klapper                  |                      |      0 | NULL         |
| 6dcf98c | Daniel Izquierdo               |              |      0 | NULL         |
| 75fc28e | Santiago Dueñas                |                 |      0 | NULL         |
| 7ad0031 | Alvaro del Castillo            |                     |      0 | NULL         |
| 8fac15f | alpgarcia                      |                  |      0 | NULL         |
| 9aed245 | Alvaro del Castillo            |                     |      0 | NULL         |

All is_bot are 0 because that’s the default value (false), and we have not specifically labeled any unique identifier as bot. All country_code are NULL because we have not identified countries in any way. For the rest of the fields, you may notice how SortingHat just used the information it had from the repo identities.

When we unify repo identities (merging several into a single unique identity), we usually need to check the corresponding entry in this table, for ensuring the profile information is correct.

Enrollments and organizations

Up to now we have not used SortingHat to assign organizations to persons (unique identities). Therefore, enrollments and organizations tables are empty. But we can check their structure.

$ mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'DESCRIBE organizations;' shdb
| Field | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name  | varchar(255) | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |

In this format, each row corresponds to the description of a field in the organizations table. We can see how simple it is: just an identifier (for linking with other tables) and a name for each organization.

enrollments table is a bit more complex:

$ mysql -u user -pXXX -e 'DESCRIBE enrollments;' shdb
| Field           | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id              | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| start           | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| end             | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| uuid            | varchar(128) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| organization_id | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |

This table stores the “periods of enrollment”: relationships between persons (unique identities) and organizations, which happen during a certain period of time (from start to end). You can read each row in this table as “the person with this uuid worked for the organization organization_id during this period.